Bags that are supposed to have equal weights will not have the same amount of M&M’s within it. All of the colors are also not represented equally. Certain colors tend to appear more often than others.
From what I had found, there are colors that are more numerous than others. The colors that had appeared most for me had been blue, green, and yellow. I had also found that even though the bags have the ounces written on them, they may not have enough content inside to reach that weight.
This is a project I had once done while I was in high school. So going into this assignment ii had an idea as to what was going to be the outcome. I had still enjoyed doing this assignment. For the most part I had already been familiar with the use of Excel. After completing all of my data and construction the graph I had tried to add colors to my chart but I could not remember how to do it. So I had gone and searched through Excel’s different application and eventually figured out how to.