Thursday, October 8, 2009

Candy is Dandy!


Bags that are supposed to have equal weights will not have the same amount of M&M’s within it. All of the colors are also not represented equally. Certain colors tend to appear more often than others.


From what I had found, there are colors that are more numerous than others. The colors that had appeared most for me had been blue, green, and yellow. I had also found that even though the bags have the ounces written on them, they may not have enough content inside to reach that weight.


This is a project I had once done while I was in high school. So going into this assignment ii had an idea as to what was going to be the outcome. I had still enjoyed doing this assignment. For the most part I had already been familiar with the use of Excel. After completing all of my data and construction the graph I had tried to add colors to my chart but I could not remember how to do it. So I had gone and searched through Excel’s different application and eventually figured out how to.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Tokyo Reflection

Throughout high school my teachers would ask us to look up topics and create a presentation using PowerPoint, so this project had been something that I was very familiar with. However, out of all of the times that I had used PowerPoint I did not know that Shift + Tab brought the indentation backwards. I believe that the hardest thing with this assignment had been just gathering information and assembling it in an orderly fashion. I believe that I will be able to use the skills that I had used during this assignment in my future career as a way to present information to my students either about different forms of art or artist. I believe that I had meet most if not all of the standards asked for this project.